Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I don't have too much to add in the way of wedding-related things at the moment, since we're just trying to enjoy the holiday weekend. But I did want to post some photos from yesterday's festivities at my mom's house.

My mom just moved into her new house (officially) less than a week ago (we moved her all day on Saturday and Sunday), and on Thursday, for Thanksgiving, she had 18 people over for the holiday dinner. She's insane, but it all worked out. The house looked great (with exception of her office and the basement, which were not essential!), and we all had a very happy Thanksgiving.

My mom making the gravy

Michael and me
My matron of honor/cousin, Lindsay, and me
My mom's boyfriend, Dirk, showing off the fabulous job he did carving the turkey
The whole fam damily
Baby cousin, Mia, and me
Smiley little Mia (4.5 months old)
And then a pout (LOVE the lower lip sticking out!)
Another little cousin, Jada (5 years old) -- I couldn't get her to smile for the camera all night. But she underestimated my stealth photography skills. This was actually a candid!
Tummy time for Mia
Who needs turkey when you have such yummy feet??
Possibly one of the most beautiful babies EVER
Yet another little cousin (Jada's little sister), Kiara (3 years old)

These are just a few of the moments and people that I am most thankful for. I'm so glad that our entire family was able to get together for the holiday this year. We were definitely missing my brother, Trevor, however... he's in Texas right now for advanced training with the National Guard. Luckily, local families in San Antonio were generous enough to "adopt" soldiers for the holidays, and he was able to get off base and enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with a family. I am thankful for the generosity of others! Since we were unable to have him with us, it makes such a big difference knowing that he was at least able to experience the holiday with a family with big hearts! We look forward to having him home for Christmas, though!

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday as much as I did.

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