Now that we are just a little more than three weeks out, I keep getting the question, "Are you stressed yet?"
In large part, the answer is no. I really wouldn't call myself stressed at all. A little overwhelmed at times, but while there is still a lot left to do, it's not THAT much left to do. I guess I'm confident in my ability to get it all done.
Hopefully I'm not overconfident.
Honestly, though, I think the reason I'm not stressed yet is because of a little thing called denial. Ah, denial, how I love thee.
I absolutely, positively cannot get my head around the fact that we're getting married in three weeks. No matter how many times I say it or remind myself, regardless of how fast I know three weeks go by, the wedding still seems so far away. It is strange. Three weeks seems like a lot of time, and yet I know it's not. And so I can only attribute my feelings to denial. Maybe it is my brain's defense mechanism against having a nervous breakdown. Who knows?
(Just about) three weeks. 24 days. Three more weekends. 14 more work days until I'm officially on "wedding vacation."
Weird. It's just so weird.
Hello. I call Bianca am Brazilian and I am delighted with your skills to prepare everything for their marriage ... My marriage is on 22/11/08 and I am also doing many things myself .. to spend less and to take different things ... Simply Amei her aisle runner .. shame that I do not know what fabric to use here in Brazil ...
ReplyDeleteBut you leave the congratulations for his efforts and abilities .. I am sure that your marriage is wonderful! Health and peace ...
bia.reg @
I am 6 days away and it hasn't hit me yet. It still feels too far away. But don't Saturdays always seem far from Mondays?
ReplyDeleteI think riday I will think it is real! Finish those projects because the last few weeks zoom by.
The night before my wedding, even after the rehearsal dinner, it didn't feel like I was going to get married tomorrow. It didn't feel like I was getting married until the day of.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, I am getting married this Saturday and that's so surreal to me. I don't feel like MY wedding is this weekend. Don't think it'll sink it until I am in the back of that Church!