Thanks to everyone who left advice and offers of help in the comments of my last post about the program troubles I'm experiencing.
I guess the biggest problem right now is the time crunch. Sure, there are things I could do to rectify the situation and make the programs I originally intended to. Tinker around with the margins and such to adjust the way it prints. Recreate everything in Word and try to go from there. Try it in a different program.
But honestly, I don't have the energy. Last night, I was pissy. It was the first time I felt honest-to-goodness STRESS leading up to the wedding. Of course, my mom chose this moment in time to call me and tell me my grandma was once again asking if she needs to be at the rehearsal.
(As a side note, my answer went something like this: "NO, she has already asked me that question numerous times, I answered her two months ago, I sent her an invitation to just the dinner, does she think I'm an idiot, doesn't she think I would let her know if she needs to be there? Just because she had to be at my cousin's rehearsal doesn't mean she needs to be at mine. She'd just be another body in the room and they said to try to avoid inviting extra people to the rehearsal because it's just a distraction. And anyway, what does she think she needs to rehearse, being escorted in by a groomsman and taking a seat before the wedding starts? What the heck is wrong with her?")
I was about two seconds away from seriously freaking out on someone.
Anyway... I ended up taking a quick ride to Michael's and I hated all of the kits that they carry there. But while I was there, a lightbulb went off. Plan B was realized.
More on that later...
Hello Heather! I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba and I stumbled across your blog while looking for ceremony decorations on google for my upcoming wedding. Well... your posts are so interesting that now my co-workers and I (4) check everyday to see what's happening with your planning. We LOVE your DIY projects...seriously amazing! You are officially the DIY Queen! Don't feel bad about going to Michael's to get one kit...we are waiting in aniticipation to see what you have come up with. Can't wait to see pics of everything when it comes together!! Hope you don't think we are stalkers...just wedding-lovers! Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHey Heather!
ReplyDeleteFuturemrsvp here. I know you had my hair on your blog a few months ago. I promised to put pics up of the final trial. I just updated my bio. If you want the pics they are here HTH!
uhh, this sounds exactly like me last night as I was doing our invitations. Getting the margins just right was mind numbing and I almost bit of my fiancee's head numerous times.
ReplyDeleteThankfully he still loves me and went out and got me a sundae to calm my nerves.
Never underestimate the power of ice cream.
Plan can't leave us hanging like that! Now I'll be addicted to your blog all night, checking back to see what happens! I have 220 pocketfold invites to get done by saturday (have to finalize and GOCCO them all!) and now all I can think about is what your going to do about the programs! Clearly if I put half as much effort into my own wedding projects as I do seeing what wonderful ideas you come up with I'd have more things checked off my to-do list! I still have to do my aisle runner...the reason I found your blog, which is a great help! Good luck with Plan B...can't wait to see what magic you came up with (I love your blog so much I am thinking of creating one myself...ok I'll at least add it to the list)