As of today, we have 200 days left until our wedding day. Tomorrow, it will be 100-and-something. Wow. Time is really starting to fly now. Probably no more than a month ago, I was bitching about how it was still so far away--not anymore.
At least not at the moment.
Right now, I'm drowning in DIY projects--both for myself, and for others. It's nice to be busy, but it can also be overwhelming. I just have to take one thing at a time. I know I have enough time to take care of everything, but it just seems that with the holidays, things seem that much more hectic all around. I haven't even done any Christmas shopping yet.
I was really hoping for a snow day this morning so I would have a day to work on nothing but my own projects. But alas, even though it snowed all night and day, and the roads were pretty terrible... we still had work. Oh well... hopefully soon.
Michael and I plan to go add onto our registry at Bed Bath & Beyond this week. Some of our family members are looking to buy us gifts off of the registry, so we wanted to add a bit more variety.
Yesterday, I came home to a really lovely piece of direct mail. It's not very often I say something like that. I mean, c'mon, it's junk mail 99% of the time. But this was from The Source, the jewelry store at which Michael bought my ring. In it was a 20% off coupon for a $600+ purchase. Well, it just so happens we have a relatively big purchase to make there--our wedding rings. So we plan to go this weekend to purchase/order them. That'll be one more check off the list. It's not something I planned to do this early, but we might as well take advantage of the 20% off!
Today, I came home to a package on my porch (love when there are packages!). My supplies for my DIY jewelry came in from Fire Mountain Gems. Yayyyy.... but now there is just another DIY project staring me in the face. I'm actually really excited about starting this one, though, since it's something different. I'm sort of sick of paper, fabric, and paint at this point, so it'll be nice to spend some time on something else for a change.
My main problem is that I've been so busy with work, errands, holiday functions, etc. that when I'm home, I just want to collapse on the couch and relax. But I also have to be productive, or I'm never going to get this stuff done.
I'm off to channel my inner Martha Stewart.
Or my inner Al Bundy.
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