Wow, it's weird to think that this is my last "XX month(s) to go" post. I didn't do them every month, but it's especially strange to look back at November posts and see "7 months to go." Yikes. I don't even know how I made it! With the anticipation and excitement I feel now, it's hard to fathom even going through one more month of this... I can't imagine being back at seven months.
This milestone was "celebrated" with yet another wedding dream last night. And of course, it can't ever be a beautiful wedding dream. No, no. It's always gotta be a total catastrophe, everything-you-can-think-of-goes-wrong dream. Except this time, the focus of the dream was on things not being done in advance like they should have been.
Favors? Not done.
Table assignments? Nope, we hadn't even discussed it.
Placecards? Non-existent.
Table number luminaries? Well, we had table #3, but that was it.
Programs? Nada.
Bridesmaid jewelry? Sorry.
So you can easily see where my mind is at. I don't need some fancy dream interpreter to tell me what this stuff means. Clearly, like any good bride-to-be, I'm anxious about the things I have left to do.
The good news is that when I woke up this morning, I had a renewed sense of urgency to get it all done. A fire under my ass, if you will. And waking up also brought a tremendous sense of relief because I realized that no, it is not the wedding day, and yes, it is the one-month-to-go mark, but don't slack, because there's really only 4.5 weeks left to do all this. So get it done, Heather. Or as Michael and our brother-in-law like to say (jokingly, people):
Git 'er done.
I ordered them from eBay seller "memorablewedding." They had the best prices I could find. Including shipping, I believe it was about $38 for 300 cocktail napkins. We did 150 black and 150 aqua.
A totally unnecessary expense, for sure, but given that we're spending next to nothing on decor at the reception, I felt like it was another one of those special touches. And they were relatively inexpensive, too. We're going to split them up... some of them will be passed out with drinks at the cocktail hour, and the rest will be on the cake table and given out when cake is served.
The obligatory eyes closed shot:
Sort of a side shot so you can see more of the hair:
My hair started falling out before my makeup trial was even over. I'm assuming it's because he didn't do it "all of the way" because it was just a trial. It makes me a little bit nervous that my hair wasn't EXACTLY what I wanted (a little too messy), but I'm going to trust that he knows what he's doing and it will be perfect on the wedding day.
When I was at the my makeup trial, I was at the salon one of my close friends works at. She's a hair dresser and wanted to see my hair. I showed her, with the disclaimer, "it's already falling out!" And she said, "oh, I know, but it's just a trial... you can totally tell what it's going to look like. It's beautiful!"
I guess professionals have a vision. They can see what I can't. The potential, I suppose. :)
Overall, I'm really happy with everything.
What do you think?
So what the hell had happened??
I tried not to panic, but I'll admit that once I got on the phone with Bethany, I cried. For months, I've been planning a wedding around the aqua color of the girls' dresses. And that baby blue? That baby blue was not going to cut it. And the dresses are not really a small detail. They're not centerpieces or food or something stupid. They're in every. single. photo. involving the bridal party. And I hate baby blue.
I decided not to call Lee Philip Bridals and flip out. First of all, I knew it wasn't Stacey's fault. The order was correct. There was just something REALLY wrong with this color.
With the help of the ladies on The Knot, I was encouraged to go into my local bridal shop. I knew that they carried the exact dress in the exact color because that shop is where we found it. We just ordered from Lee Philip because it was $60 cheaper.
I could not wait to get out of work. The longer I sat there and stared at that color, the more and more I hated it.
At noon, I jumped up, stuffed the dresses back into the box, and went out to my car. Once there, it occurred to me to take one of the dresses out of the box again to look at it in the daylight. So I did.
And I was amazed. It looked soooo different in the daylight. Still a little different than I remembered, but BETTER than the nasty baby blue. Much better. Yet I was still not completely convinced.
I immediately drove to the bridal shop. I explained the situation to the lady at the front desk--we didn't buy here, but the last time I saw it in person, we were here, and can I please go back there and compare the sample dress to this dress?
To my surprise, she was super nice. She took me back, we found the dress, and she said, "OK, now let's take them out into good lighting." We went out into the main part of the shop and we held them side by side. Sure enough, they were nearly identical.
In my defense, my dresses are a tad lighter than the sample in the shop. But the difference is subtle--it is obviously just due to a slight discrepancy with the dye lot. Nothing major. I was totally relieved. A huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. For that two hours, I had been in a complete panic (sound familiar?), but in the end, it worked out.
Here are a few photos I took of the dresses once I got home from delivering Bethany her dress. The first was taken right by our sliding glass door in the daylight. The other was taken just in the normal light inside of our house.
As it turned out, the shitty lighting in my office (I never believed it could have made such a difference), coupled with the fact that I hadn't seen the color in six months, almost caused a complete nervous breakdown.
It's still so unbelieveable to me. Let's look at them side by side, shall we?
We'll probably wait another couple of weeks until we buy the candy. I don't want to have it sitting around the house in danger of melting as the weather gets warm. Also, I haven't ordered the favor tags yet, so it's kind of pointless. We're still waiting on 63 RSVPs, and I'd like to have a more accurate count before finalizing the favors.
At the reception, we'll put a bag of chocolate at everyone's place setting. The smart ass in me wants to include a note: "To our guests--Here is your $0.40 token of our appreciation. The dinner, drinks, dessert, and music we're providing mean nothing. This candy? This is a true sign that we are grateful you could be with us this evening. Yes, this. Nothing else."
I kid, I kid.
Hell yeah! So now, including our eight bottle wine rack, we could have as many as 14 bottles of wine on hand at all times. Love it.
I brought the wine fridge home last night. Today, during my lunch break, I took a ride to the liquor store and bought six bottles of wine to stock it up. I mean, come on... if you're going to get a wine fridge, you have to fill it! (And of course, Tess is helping... like always.)
Completely unrelated to the rest of this post, but--seriously--how cute is my dog?? This pic is from Saturday night. She was exhausted and I guess she thought the remote control made an excellent pillow. Honestly, I think she was delirious.
No matter how stressed I get, she never fails to make me smile.
The pink color is a little different in person. My unnatural lighting doesn't do the color justice.
Congratulations, Marta! I'm sure you're starting to feel the crunch (I know I am!). I'm going to try to FedEx this out to you tomorrow. :)